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Showing posts from May, 2020

A letter - To A Broken heart

A heartbreak may break you, but in the end, it builds you strong.  -Sameep Mohite Yes, I agree surviving through heartbreaks is  quite difficult sometimes we felt like  Giving up.  But there is a voice inside you  saying that not to, and we actually should  hear that voice because you are giving up means your parents and the people whom you love  Will lose their smile.  So here is a warm hug  from my side, it’s okay if you feel this pain  Right now, but this pain won’t last long.  I know we all have been broken by someone, but it's okay, we have learned a lesson. And we have to accept that and move on. It sounds easy to say, but it's difficult to move on from the person whom we once loved. So if we love them again we are going to hurt ourselves, so it's better to take a step to move on.  If you'll want to read more like this do let me know in the comments. Much love 💕 A stranger from the moon  Click for more